Andrew Doll, MS

Andrew Doll is an animal ecologist interested in the factors influencing population dynamics through spatial distribution patterns and migratory behaviors. His recent research has focused on developing new techniques for using stable isotopes as intrinsic markers of migration patterns and dietary history. Focal species include dunlin, a long-distance migratory shorebird species, and the Steller sea lion, a federally threatened apex predator of the north Pacific. Andrew was born and raised in Wisconsin, where he eventually received a BS in wildlife ecology at the University of Wisconsin Madison. After several years of wildlife fieldwork throughout Colorado and the American West and then a stint in the air quality group at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Andrew attended the University of Colorado Denver, receiving an MS in biology. While pursuing his master’s degree, he began working as the ornithology fellow in the Museum’s Zoology Department. This fellowship transitioned into a collections assistant position, then transitioned to the assistant collections manager in 2017 and finally became the collections manager in 2022.  One of Andrew’s primary duties was preparing for and conducting the move of over 1 million zoological specimens into the state-of-the-art Avenir Collections Center.

Featured Publications

Weiser, E.L., Lanctot, R.B., Brown, S.C., River Gates, H., Bentzen, R.L., Boldenow, M.L., Cunningham, J.A., Doll, A., Donnelly, T.F., English, W.B., Franks, S.E., Grond, K., Herzog, P., Hill, B.L., Kendall, S., Kwon, E., Lank, D.B., Liebezeit, J.R., Rausch, J., Saalfeld, S.T., Taylor, A.R., Ward, D.H., Woodard, P.F. and Sandercock, B.K. (2018), Effects of leg flags on nest survival of four species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds. Journal of Field Ornithology. 89: 287-297. DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12264

Doll, A.C., Taras, B.D., Stricker, C.A. et al. Temporal records of diet diversity dynamics in individual adult female Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) vibrissae. Oecologia 188, 263–275 (2018). 10.1007/s00442-018-4173-8

Doll, A.C., Lanctot, R.B., Stricker, C.A., Yezerinac, S.M., Wunder, M.B. Improved arrival-date estimates of Arctic-breeding Dunlin (Calidris alpina arcticola), The Auk. 132: 2 (2015). 10.1642/AUK-14-227.1

Scherer, R.D., Doll, A.C., Rea, L.D., Christ, A.M., Stricker, C.A., Witteveen, B., et al. (2015). Stable isotope values in pup vibrissae reveal geographic variation in diets of gestating Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus. UC San Diego. 10.3354/meps11255

Tracks and Scat

Poop. Yeah, we said it...POOP! Talk poop with our collections team as they relate images of recent track/scat findings to collection pieces and discuss just why poop is so important. Gather your scat knowledge and prepare for a stinky discussion. Giggles permitted.

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