Alex Polich

Alex grew up in Colorado where she cultivated her passion for the outdoors and natural sciences. She obtained a bachelor’s degree from Colorado State University, where she studied biology and chemistry with a concentration in evolutionary biology, ecology, and conservation genomics. After graduating she interned for the Jurassic Giants and Kaiparowits projects at the Museum, where she fell further in love with paleontology and the Museum's community. Alex now works at the museum as a full-time fossil preparator, where she collaborates with outstanding interns and volunteers to prepare ‘Teen Rex’, share incredible science with museum guests, and contribute to top-notch research.

Discovering Teen Rex

Come with us on an extraordinary journey into our prehistoric past with the arrival of “Discovering Teen Rex” as we unveil a remarkable fossil discovered by a crew of inquisitive young dino hunters in North Dakota. The fossil prep lab will be displayed alongside dinosaur fossils, including Triceratops and Edmontosaurus, from the Museum’s collection. The whole family is invited to come experience history in the making as our team of renowned paleontologists clean, preserve and study this rare adolescent T. rex fossil — one of only four found worldwide — before the public on the Museum floor.

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