First paper from the survey
The first larger manuscript resulting from the Colorado Scarab Survey is about to be submitted. It will present the distribution of over 20 species in Colorado, ten of them first records for the state. It will also contain the results of my Japanese Beetle Survey.
Krell, F.-T., Knight, J.B., Hammon, R., Wheeler, P., Roberts, J.J. & Eckberg, J.R. 2015. Northern range extension of the figeater beetle, Cotinis mutabilis (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), into Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. Western North American Naturalist 75 (1): 8–13. DOI: 10.3398/064.075.0103
Miraldo, A., Krell, F.-T., Smalén, M., Angus, R.B. & Roslin, T. 2014. Making the cryptic visible - resolving the species complex of Aphodius fimetarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and Aphodius pedellus (de Geer, 1774) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) by three complementary methods. Systematic Entomology 39: 531–547. DOI: 10.1111/syen.12079
Krell, F.-T. 2010. Catalogue of Colorado scarab and stag beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea), based on literature records. Denver Museum of Nature & Science Technical Report 2010-4: 84 pp.
Frank-Thorsten Krell, PhD
Senior Curator of Entomology